

The assembler utilities allow parsing and assembling an Ethers ASM Dialect source file.

asm.parse( code ) Node

Parse an ethers-format assembly file and return the Abstract Syntax Tree.

asm.assemble( node ) string< DataHexString >

Performs assembly of the Abstract Syntax Tree node and return the resulting bytecode representation.


The Disassembler utilities make it easy to convert bytecode into an object which can easily be examined for program structure.

asm.disassemble( bytecode ) Bytecode

Returns an array of Operations given bytecode.

asm.formatBytecode( operations ) string

Create a formatted output of an array of Operation.

Bytecode inherits Array<Operation>

Each array index represents an operation, collapsing multi-byte operations (i.e. PUSH) into a single operation.

bytecode.getOperation( offset ) Operation

Get the operation at a given offset into the bytecode. This ensures that the byte at offset is an operation and not data contained within a PUSH, in which case null it returned.


An Operation is a single command from a disassembled bytecode stream.

operation.opcode Opcode

The opcode for this Operation.

operation.offset number

The offset into the bytecode for this Operation.

operation.pushValue string< DataHexString >

If the opcode is a PUSH, this is the value of that push


asm.Opcode.from( valueOrMnemonic ) Opcode

Create a new instance of an Opcode for a given numeric value (e.g. 0x60 is PUSH1) or mnemonic string (e.g. "PUSH1").


opcode.value number

The value (bytecode as a number) of this opcode.

opcode.mnemonic string

The mnemonic string of this opcode.

opcode.delta number

The number of items this opcode will consume from the stack.

opcode.alpha number

The number of items this opcode will push onto the stack.

opcode.doc string

A short description of what this opcode does.

opcode.isMemory( ) "read" | "write" | "full"

Returns true if the opcode accesses memory.

opcode.isStatic( ) boolean

Returns true if the opcode cannot change state.

opcode.isJump( ) boolean

Returns true if the opcode is a jumper operation.

opcode.isPush( ) number

Returns 0 if the opcode is not a PUSH*, or the number of bytes this opcode will push if it is.