React Native ************ The React Native environment has a lot of little quirks, so this documentation is aimed at helping smooth those over. Please feel free to create issues on GitHub for recommendations and additions to this document. ----- Shims ===== There are several pieces of functionality missing from the current version of React-Native. Here is a list of functionality the ``ethers/dist/shims`` will provide if unavailable: - ``ArrayBuffer.isView`` - ``atob`` and ``btoa`` - ``nextTick`` - ``Promise`` - ``String.prototype.normalize`` .. code-block:: javascript :caption: *Importing into React-Native* // Import the required shims import 'ethers/dist/shims.js'; // Import the ethers library import { ethers } from 'ethers'; **Note** This file **must** be minified, since the React-Native ``require`` seems to hijack the variable name ``require``, even when encapsulated inside a closure. The minification process replaces the ``require`` with a mangled name, so that there is no collision. This is hacky and in the future a better method would be preferred. Suggestions? **Note** As we find additional features not generally available, they will be added to this shim file. It is targetted toward platforms where build-size is not critical, so functionality is favored over keeping the size small. ----- Wordlists ========= React-Native will pull in the browser version of ethers, which does not have all the additional word lists, by default. Each desired wordlist must be separately imported. .. code-block:: javascript :caption: *Importing languages into React-Native* import { es, // Spanish fr, // French it, // Italian ja, // Japanese ko, // Korean zh_ch, // Chinese (simplified) zh_tw // Chinese (tranditional) } from 'ethers/wordlists'; ----- Other Notes =========== **console.log** The use of ``console.log`` in React Native `can substantially impact performance`_. For this reason, you may wish to reduce the log level to not show info and warnings. .. code-block:: javascript :caption: *Change Log Level* // The default is "info"; other options // "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "off" ethers.errors.setLogLevel("error"); ----- TODO: Include instructions on installing crypto performance - scrypt (it is VERY slow in React Native; too slow to be functional) .. _can substantially impact performance: .. EOF