Blockchain ********** For the most part, you will likely interact with the blockchain using the :ref:`Contracts API ` instead of this low-level API. But there may be rare instanced where you wish to query the blockchain directly. ----- Accounts ======== :sup:`ethers.blockchain` . getBalance ( address [ , blockTag ] ) Returns a `Promise`_ with the balance of *address* (in wei) at *blockTag*. An address may represent either an account or a contract. **default:** *blockTag*\ =latest :sup:`ethers.blockchain` . getTransactionCount ( address [ , blockNumber ] ) Returns a `Promise`_ with the number of transactions *address* has ever sent at *blockTag*. This is the value required for the **nonce** in a transaction; both the :ref:`Contracts API ` and :ref:`Wallet API ` automatically populate this. **default:** *blockTag*\ =latest *Examples* ---------- **Balance** :: var address = '....'; var balancePromise = ethers.blockchain.getBalance(address, 'latest'); balancePromise.then(function(balance) { // The balance is in wei, as a BigNumber object // Convert wei to a string in ether var etherString = ethers.utils.formatEther(balance); console.log('Balance: ' + etherString); }); **Transaction Count** :: var transactionCount = ethers.blockchain.getTransactionCount(address, 'latest'); transactionCount.then(function(transactionCount) { // The transactionCount is a normal JavaScript Number console.log('Transactions Sent: ' + transactionCount); }); ----- Blockchain State ================ :sup:`ethers.blockchain` . getGasPrice ( ) Return a `Promise`_ with the current gas price, in wei. :sup:`ethers.blockchain` . getBlockNumber ( ) Return a `Promise`_ with the number of the most recent block. :sup:`ethers.blockchain` . getBlock ( blockhashOrNumber ) Return a `Promise`_ with the block details of *blockhashOrNumber*. :sup:`ethers.blockchain` . getTransaction ( transactionHash ) Return a `Promise`_ with the transaction details of *transactionHash*. :sup:`ethers.blockchain` . getTransactionReceipt ( transactionHash ) Return a `Promise`_ with the transaction receipt of *hash*. A transaction receipt includes information about a mined transaction, such as actualy gas costs. *Examples* ---------- :: @TODO ----- Running Code ============ :sup:`ethers.blockchain` . call ( transaction ): Returns a `Promise`_ with the result of executing the read-only (constant) *transaction*. :sup:`ethers.blockchain` . estimateGas ( transaction ): Returns a `Promise`_ with the estimated cost of executing *transaction*. This may be useful if you wish to override the gasLimit when calling ethers.sendTransaction(). *Examples* ---------- **Calling read-only (constant) Functions** :: var transaction = { // This is the address of Zen Messenger on Testnet to: "", // This is the name of the compiled function data: "", } var callPromise =; callPromise.then(function(result) { console.log(result); // 0x.... // This is the length-prefixed, UTF-8 encoded string of "Hello World" }); ----- Events ====== :sup:`ethers.blockchain` . onblock This event callback is triggered everytime a new block has been mined. *Examples* ---------- :: ethers.blockchain.onblock = function(blockNumber) { console.log('New Block Mined: ' + blockNumber); } ----- .. _Promise: